FAQs Regarding Covid-19 and the Summer Enrichment Program

Are you still running the Summer Enrichment Program?

Yes, the Funny Bones Summer Enrichment Program is scheduled to run starting July 4th and run 9 weeks until Sept 2rd. 

What are you doing differently because of Covid-19?

While we anticipate further guidance and details from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health. We have implemented plans for a heightened level of health and safety at our summer enrichment program. These include;

Physical distancing of campers & individual class groups

    • In order to protect campers and staff, we are utilizing multiple measures to maximize health and safety;

- Utilizing pieces of equipment and/or barriers to support physical separation and to define specific spaces for individual campers and classes.

- Signage and communication at camp regarding social distancing, provision of supplies for hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

- Personal Protective Equipment protection for those times that physical distancing cannot be maintained.

    • If an instructor is working close to a client PPE is required. PPE has been identified by health officials as suitable mitigation for this situation. This is a similar approach being used by barbers, hairstylists and any other personal service that requires close proximity between worker and customer. Also note that instructors are advised to limit physical contact with campers wherever possible.
    • Accidents happen; scrapes and bruises are not uncommon. Our staff have first aid training and will use their best judgement to balance the need for wound treatment and emotional support, with the need to limit close contact. Funny Bones also has a nurse consultant on our team and on call at all times.
    • Campers stay together in their small classes (8 max) for the week.
    • Classes will be distanced between each other and run in separate defined spaces.
    • Campers will have staggered breaks and will be separated during snack/lunch breaks with social distancing practices in place.
    • No non-essential visitors allowed.

Personal Protective Equipment as recommended by health authorities

    • Our ultimate goal is to provide safe and healthy camps and still allow staff to have a positive engagement with campers. We will be following the guidelines of your regional health authority with regards to the use of PPE (face coverings in particular) for those times social distancing is not possible.

- Our current expectation is that PPE will be required for our staff at all times. Staff will have a choice of supplying their own or they will be provided to them.

- If PPE is mandated for campers by the Ontario Ministry of Health and/or Toronto Public Health, we will ask that a personal, comfortable, face covering be brought to camp for each camper. If PPE is not mandated by health officials, parents may make their own decision of whether to provide them for campers or not. 

Enhanced hand washing protocols & facility cleaning

    • Hand sanitizer – will be available to all instructors and campers.
    • Instructions for campers and staff on proper protocols like how to cover mouth, touching of face, proper handwashing techniques, etc.
    • Washing of hands will be required at regular intervals, before any snack or meal breaks and as a normal part of any bathroom breaks.

Adjustments to our equipment to limit cross-contact

    • Regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces like door handles and counters. Shared spaces and common areas like washrooms will be cleaned between uses.
    • Sharing of equipment/materials between campers and classes will be kept to a minimum. We will be separating out any used equipment for cleaning during each camp day, and it will not be quarantined until cleaned and sanitized.
    • Cleaning of equipment will be as per public health guidelines, utilizing an approved sanitizing solution and procedure.

Health checks for campers & staff

    • Daily health screen and temperature check for every camper/family members.
    • Daily health screen and temperature check for staff.
    • Strictly enforced stay at home policy if feeling ill or exhibiting any symptoms.

Contactless sign-in and sign-out procedures

    • Designated areas for each class and camper/parent.
    • Parents will also be expected to abide by local guidelines during drop off and pick up regarding the use of PPE.

Strict "no sharing" policies for food & personal items

    • It will be reinforced at camp amongst staff and campers. Campers will be provided their own games pieces (such as a set of their own dice) to ensure minimal contact while playing.

How many campers per group?

Our class sizes are very small, and are no more than 8 campers per group.

What is your cancellation policy?

If your son/daughter starts showing symptoms of covid-19, we ask that they stay home and they will not be permitted to come back until they have been cleared by public health. In this instance, a refund or credit will be given for what days were not attended.

What if a participant isn’t following the Covid-19 protocols appropriately? 

Each camper will be asked to agree to a code of conduct while at camp, including physical distancing, respiratory etiquette and frequent handwashing. Campers who are unable or unwilling to follow the camp code of conduct may be asked to leave camp to protect the safety of all participants. As always, positive behaviour management will be implemented prior to asking any child to leave the Summer Enrichment Program.

What is the procedure for arrival in the morning?

Caregivers (age 18 and older with knowledge of the child’s health) are asked to fill out the screening form daily on behalf of the participant. It must be signed and dated each morning for each participant, and provided to a staff member upon arrival. Parents, guardians and visitors are not permitted to enter during the enrichment program. Staff will greet participants in the front to ensure their safety into the building. Campers that have symptoms of COVID-19 will not be admitted and caregivers will be asked to take them home and have them tested at an assessment centre.

Caregivers will be required to do a temperature check of each participant at home each morning. If the camper’s temperature exceeds 37.8C, the camper will be required to stay home. In the event this occurs, we ask that you please call Funny Bones and let staff know. Campers who have not had a temperature check will be required to have one onsite before they are permitted to attend that day. Additionally, if anyone in the household is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, the camper must stay home.


What if a participant gets sick while at the enrichment program?

If a participant  falls ill while at camp, they will be isolated from other campers and staff. Caregivers will be contacted to pick them up immediately. The caregiver will be asked to take the child to a COVID-19 assessment centre to be tested. If a negative result is confirmed, the child will be allowed to return to camp.

Viewed and verified by our team nurse Julie, RN Registration Number #9884099