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Sinoda is an abstract strategy game played using 4-sided dice as the pieces on a beautiful "flower of life" pattern board. Players must capture the most points worth of pieces from their opponents.

On their turn, a player may either move a piece exactly the number shown on the top at the piece, or they may rotate a piece to increase or decrease the top number by 1. The number at the top is the piece's movement value, indicating how many spaces it must move (should you choose to move it), but it is also the points value of the piece, awarded to the opposing player if they capture it. Captures are made by finishing a move on top of another player's piece. During a move, a piece may not move over another piece, or backtrack through a space it just went through.

In a 2-player game, the game ends when one player has lost all of their pieces, or when both players have only a single piece left on the board.
In a 3+ player game, the game ends when one player has captured 6 opposing pieces.

Once the game ends, players add up their captured points. Since the winner is the player with the most captured points, and not the player who has captured the most pieces, it is possible to lose all of your pieces and still win!